================================================================ Title : Spooge v0.5 Filename : Spooge05.zip Author : Adam Dignard Email Address : fznshade@idirect.com Misc. Author Info : Plays a lot of Team Fortress, enjoys seeing new quake mods Description : To who ever is storing, holing this file for public download and distrubition, it's your descretion if this Quake mod is of a XXX nature, or not. It's kinda in a grey area. Keep in mind, my brain wanders. While wandering, I thought, "HEY! Wouldn't it be rather unique if I could just piss on on things / people? So I tried producing this. This being my first attempt at QuakeC, I got close. It behaved more like, um, well.... JIZZ! So i just gave it the proper .MDLs and .WAVs, and there you have it, one of the most twisted addons. A small one, but it's an addon. I think I did pretty good considering I didn't know the first thing about QuakeC or even C++ when I started. Installation : Merely unzip into a directory off of you quake directory, (parallel to \id1, ie. c:\quake\spooge) All it is is a pak0.pak file and this file. HEY! What's going on here!: Basically, bind a key to IMPULSE 15, (bind g "impulse 15") replace 'g' with what ever key your little heart desires. Pressing that key will launch, (ahem, jizz?) a ball of, you know, JIZZ! :) Play Information: Single Player : Yeah, it works here. Deathmatch : Of course this will be fun too. I haven't tried it, but I suspect it will cause lag. Cooperative : Cum fest '97! Compiled BSP : Nos PROGS.DAT : Yes New sounds : Yes. One Map : No MDL : Yes. Four Quake-C code : Not yet, when I get it the way I like it, I will release a newer version with the source code, in case someone wants to use it. * Construction * Build time : I dunno, I estimate 3-4 hours in total. Editor(s) used : Paint Shop Pro, QME, MeDdLe Known Bugs: : Well, I have limited the firing time to a point where you shouldn't cause a packet overflow by yourself. I haven't tested jizzing in the middle of an action packed room, (who does?) so I dunno about that, but I know that, working co-operatively, you and a friend can cause a lovely packet loss. * Legal information * To avoid confusion, other authors may NOT use this VERSION in their own Quake modifactions. When I release the source, authors MAY use that in their modifactions, as long as I am given proper recognition, and am notified of the use. That email is again, fznshade@idirect.com * Where to get this mod * FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com/pub/quake/